Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Extension and Outreach Program
along with the
Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
offer as part of an online
Permaculture Design Certificate program…
Permaculture Design:
Fundamentals of Ecological Design
Begins July, 2019
Enrollment is open for “Permaculture Design: Fundamentals of Ecological Design.” Cultivate your ecological literacy by looking at complex symbiotic relationships in both natural and constructed systems. Explore and apply systems thinking to your own garden, farm, or backyard.
This course is one of three in a series offered in permaculture design leading to a Permaculture Design Certificate. (Read more about Permaculture Design: Ecosystem Mimicry and Permaculture Design: Design Practicum.)
To sign up or read more visit:
This course is designed by Steve Gabriel of “Farming the Woods” with Michael Burns of Cayuta Sun Farm. Both are cofounders of the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute. Michael Burns will be the course instructor.
This opportunity, organized by Cornell University’s Department of Horticulture, is based on the permaculture curriculum and activities developed by the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute over the past decade of teaching people from all walks of life.
This program provides rigorous, evidence-based instruction in the principles and methods of permaculture design based on the internationally recognized curriculum.
Engage in over 72 hours of study that meets Cornell’s standards for instruction in the best practices of permaculture assessment and design. Work on your own, while participating in class discussions with students from around the world using their own homes, farms, and projects to learn. Get one-on-one guidance by phone or teleconference during office hours held two or more times a week.
You will produce a draft design for your chosen site toward your portfolio requirement for a Permaculture Design Certificate issued by the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute.
The full Permaculture Design Certificate curriculum is organized into four parts spanning at least 17 weeks. The courses can be spread across several years. Either this course or “ Permaculture Design: Ecosystem Mimicry” are prerequisites for the third course “Design Practicum,” a 3 1/2 week practicum. Completion of all three courses plus a final review of your practicum work by other teachers from the the Finger Lakes Permaculture Instiute is required to earn your certificate.
Class size is limited. Enrollment frequently sells out.
To sign up visit:
To request notice of future courses in the PDC series fill out the form at: