by flpci | Nov 2, 2014 | Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
Presentation & Book Signing with Ken Mudge and Steve Gabriel November 19, 2014 6 to 8 p.m. Tompkins County Public Library Ithaca NY Local authors, teachers and researchers Ken Mudge and Steve Gabriel love the forest. They met in the MacDaniels Nut Grove in...
by flpci | May 29, 2014 | Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
The word “education” is rooted to the latin word educere, which means to “bring out,” suggesting that teaching is supporting students to come forward to actualize his or her own vision for the world. The permaculture course, since its inception...
by flpci | Jun 6, 2013 | Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
…and help local growers. As you may know, spring is an especially intense time for agriculture, including agroforestry production like mushrooms. Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute instructors Steve Gabriel and Michael Burns are exceptionally busy sowing and...
by flpci | Apr 27, 2012 | Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
Steve Gabriel (FLPCI board member and teacher) has been busy designing, creating, teaching and writing about log-grown shiitake mushroom culture. Using permaculture analysis and design for his work on behalf of small forest lot owners has inspired his blog,...