Thank you for attending this year's Permaculture Week!
Ecological design that nurtures the well-being, equity and resilience of our human and Earth-communities is more important than ever.
Dear Permaculture Enthusiasts,
Thank you for making this year’s, first-ever, virtual Permaculture Week a success!
We hosted 17 exciting sessions, raising $1k for future permaculture education activities and $3,675 for Gayogohó:no (Cayuga) Traditionalists’ Cultural Revitalization activities.
To access the recorded sessions please make a donation and you will receive an email with all the links you need.
Warm regards,
The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute (FLPCI) board
How It Worked This Year

The Permaculture Week/end is FLPCI’s only fundraising event, and allows us to raise funds for the following year’s event. This year, all proceeds above FLPCI’s modest goal of $1000 go to our Gayogohó:no (Cayuga Nation) neighbors to support the rebuilding of their community garden, and their ongoing language classes. The kickoff event of the Permaculture Week is a film called Coming Home: Interviews with Gayogohó:no, which documents their cultural revitalization through agricultural practices, language, and ceremony.
The 2020 Theme: Creatively Use and Respond to Change
Each year, one of the permaculture principles is used as a "lens" for exploring our work together. For 2020, we invited folks to share with one another your practices for creating just, effective and regenerative solutions within our region during this pivotal moment.Monday, Aug 24

Introduction to Permaculture
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Michael Burns, Co-Creator of Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute, Co-Owner/Operator of Cayuta Sun Farm, and History Teacher. This Introduction to Permaculture covered the basic concepts of Permaculture design; Permaculture history, ethics, principles and the design method. There was also time for questions.

Virtual Needs/Yields Speed Networking
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Karryn Olson, Co-Founder of the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute, hosted an opportunity to meet other Permaculture Week participants and connect around requesting permaculture-related and things and services you NEED, and offering up what you have as YIELDS. We used the MeetAway software, and it was cool!

Coming Home: Interviews with Gayogohó:no
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
The interviews in this 35 minute documentary film with Goyogohó:no Traditionalists touch on the importance of language, ceremony and the rematriation of their heritage seeds to Goyogohó:no land.
Click here to donate and watch the film.
Tuesday, Aug 25

Tutorial: Fruit Leather and Juice from Wild Fruits
10:00 am - 11:00 am
From Zak Kozlowski, Earth Connection Mentor, Land Steward and Naturalist, we learned how to make Fruit Leather and Juice out of wild fruits. The techniques discussed use no electricity and allow fruits that are often not eaten to be transformed into powerful tasting and long lasting foods!

Herb Walk with Donna Beckwith
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Donna Beckwith, Herbalist, member of the Perry City Friends Community, and co-creator of the Perry City Permaculture Project. “As an herbalist, I have learned that: Everything you need is where you are. We took a virtual walk together and explore the abundance of medicinal herbs available in late summer in the Finger Lakes.”
Wednesday, Aug 26

A People's Playbook For Sustainable Development
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Scott Morris, Creator of Ithacash, Ithaca’s new local currency, shared a game that he is developing that helps communities do great things even when times are tough. The game brings permaculture thinking to the economy and is key to healing our relationships with money, each other, and the planet. Scott is a political economist and economics systems engineer operating at the intersection of capital, currency, and collective consciousness.

Learn Group Facilitation using "The Circle Way "
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Rebecca Cutter, Activist, Organizer, Popular Educator, and FLPCI board president shared a Training of Trainers (TOT) in the use of The Circle Way, developed by Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea. The Circle Way creates a social environment that encourages shared leadership, deep listening and intentional sharing. This transformational tool can be used with both in-person and virtual meetings. It’s for individuals and teams facilitating difficult conversations, book clubs, decision making meetings and other public forums. “I’ve been using The Circle Way in my non-profit work and in a book club I lead and I’m excited to share it with others.”

Agroforestry Management Plan for Three Story Farm
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Robbie Coville, MPS Student at Cornell University, shared the public-domain Agroforestry Management Plan for Three Story Farm located in Ecovillage at Ithaca. Learn about Three Story Farm’s restoration agriculture plantings and plans with this document developed by Robbie in his capstone project.
Thursday, Aug 27

The Sustainable Forest: Its ecology and wise management
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Mike DeMunn, Professional Forester and Ecologist. Member: Seneca Iroquois Hawk Clan. Over 30 years’ experience in sustainable forestry and ecology. We looked at the forest of the past, the present, and what the future forest may be like if well managed. Mike also shared practical management points about the forest and its ecology for both students and land owners.

Indigenous Seed Saving & Off-Grid Community Design
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Alexas Esposito, Maya Soto and Joe Soto, founders and leaders at the Traditional Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Healing, led a workshop around seed keeping and off-grid community design.
Friday, Aug 28

Workshop: Know Your Rights Under OSHA
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Carlos H. Gutierrez, Occupational Safety and Health Trainer with Midstate COSH. Know Your Rights Under OSHA; Map Your Workplace to Identify and Control Safety and Health Risk: Prioritize Controls and Interventions Including the Use of Community and Institutional Resources. Carlos is a staunch advocate for workers rights in our region.

Virtual Herb Identification Walk
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Donna Beckwith, herbalist, member of the Perry City Friends Community and co-creator of the Perry City Permaculture Project, took participants on a virtual herbal plant identification walk.
Saturday, Aug 29

Community Food Systems with The Learning Farm
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Christa Nuñez, Co-Creator of The Learning Farm, Ithaca, NY “With universal access to land and the positive community health outcomes, environmental balance, ecological supports and equitable relationships that go along with that, permanence and culture can be achieved.” Khuba International, an Ithaca non-profit, tackles the access problem with a new initiative they are calling Quarter Acre for the People. The Learning Farm and various local partners are working hard to make perennial plantings and weekly farm visits a reality as an avenue of exposure for many families who are experiencing the effects of race-based oppression, displacement and forced urbanization.

Urban Resilience; Growth out of Proximity
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Frank Cetera, President and Co-Founder of The Alchemical Nursery Project, provided a virtual tour of the Tool Share/Bike Kitchen/Seed Library project at The Depot and host a discussion afterward. Creative re-use of 800 sq. ft. former residential property obtained from Greater Syracuse Land Bank. Development for urban resilience; growth out of proximity space-wise and relationship-wise.
Sunday, Aug 30

Emerging Research on Dynamic Accumulators
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Ben Tyler, of Unadilla Community Farm, shared about the farm’s ongoing SARE research on dynamic accumulators. Dynamic accumulators are plants that are thought to mine minerals from deep in the subsoil and make those minerals bioavailable in their foliage. But at present there is a lack of research into nutrient management practices that incorporate dynamic accumulators. Attendees learned more about ongoing research to prove or disprove the efficacy of dynamic accumulators for nutrient management.

Regenerative Biz Ecosystems - A Design Charette Experiment
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Karryn Olson, Principal at Regenepreneurs and Co-Founder of Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
Last year, during our kickoff World Cafe event, Karryn facilitated our exploration of the question: “How can we work together for a ‘just transition’ away from the extractive economy that is degenerating our ecosystems and communities and towards an economy in which all can thrive?”
This year’s exploration was based on this idea: Let’s suppose that Ithaca decided to become THE small-sized city mobilizing energies to design a regenerative economy.
How would that design process look?
We probably don’t know! But we want to know! In this session, Karryn facilitated an experiment, with the aim of learning together how we might apply ecological design and living systems principles to this process, and how we can co-evolve our understanding of what is possible.