The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute

with support from

Owasco Watershed Lake AssociationAuburn Beautification Commission
and Booker T. Washington Community Center


a weekend of workshops with author and ecological designer Dave Jacke


Auburn, NY: June 9-11, 2017


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Friday Evening Public Talk:

June 9, 2017, 7-9 PM

Gardening Like the Forest:
Regenerating Watersheds through Ecological Food Production

Concerned about the impact of agriculture on Owasco Lake and our local water supply? Come learn practical ecological solutions for growing food while maintaining healthy watersheds with landscape designer and author Dave Jacke and local forest gardener Peter Cramer.

Healthy forests maintain, fertilize, and renew themselves, naturally. They also build and maintain healthy watersheds. Would you like to grow an abundant food-producing ecosystem like that in your yard or on your farm? You can!

Edible forest gardens mimic the structure and function of natural forests through all their stages of development and grow food, fuel, fiber, fodder, fertilizers, farmaceuticals, and fun. We can meet our own needs and regenerate healthy ecosystems at the same time. This talk introduces the vision of forest gardening with some scientific background, a few living examples, and a sampling of some useful perennial edibles for home- or farm-scale. We’ll pay special attention to how forest garden systems can help rebuild the health of Owasco Lake.

Location: Theater Mack, 203 Genesee St, Auburn, NY

Cost: $10 donation requested at the door. Free admission for OWLA members. Nobody is turned away for a lack of funds.

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Saturday-Sunday Workshop:

June 10-11, 8:30 AM – 5 PM

Gardening Like the Forest:
Fundamentals of Ecological Gardening

Sliding Scale: $180-$250, includes Friday evening program. Payments above the base of the sliding scale fund scholarships for those in need–please be generous!

Learn how to create healthy food-producing ecosystems by mimicking the structure and function of natural communities! Building on the Friday night talk, for two days we’ll explore the vision, theory, design, and practice of ecosystem agriculture using temperate deciduous forests as models. Lectures, field observations, and experiential classes will reveal the nature of ecosystem architecture, social structure, underground economics, and succession. Participants will also design and plant some forest garden patches at the Auburn Permaculture Park. We’ll learn by doing–and by playing–in a serious way.


Booker T. Washington Community Center, 23 Chapman Ave, Auburn, NY.

Register Now

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EFGvol2cover120Lead instructor Dave Jacke is the primary author of the award winning two-volume book Edible Forest Gardens. He has studied ecology and design since the 1970s, and has run his own design firm—Dynamics Ecological Design—since 1984. He has designed, built, and planted landscapes, homes, farms, and communities in the many parts of the United States, as well as overseas. An innovative and engaging teacher, he earned a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Simon’s Rock College and a M.A. in Landscape Design from the Conway School of Landscape Design.

Assistant Instructor Peter Cramer is an alumni and board member of the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute. Peter has been teaching ecological design, plus organizing and designing permaculture projects in Auburn, NY.

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Visit the Registration page for information about tuition assistance for residents of Auburn, NY.